Menopause is the process through which a woman stops being fertile, that is, she can't have babies anymore. She also starts to menstruate. It is a normal part of a woman's life and is not considered a risky medical condition or disease. The average age of menopause in India is 50-51 years of age. Although it is a natural process of the body, it can cause severe drastic changes in the human body.
Symptoms Of Menopause
Menopause triggers several symptoms in the female human body. Menopause diagnostics are confirmed only when a woman has not had periods for almost a year. It is then that doctors prescribe menopause drugs and menopause prescription drugs online are available. However, symptoms generally occur before one year. Some of them are given down in a list format:
Causes Of Menopause
A reduction in the hormonal levels especially of estrogen and progesterone triggers menopause. Perimenopause starts when women reach 30-35 years of age. At this age, the ovaries start producing lesser estrogen and progesterone. Fertility starts to decline long before the onset of perimenopause. The production of these two hormones gradually declines until they stop permanently. It is then that menstruation stops completely leading to menopause. Most of them experience gradually but sometimes it stops all of a sudden.
Treatment Of Menopause
During menopause, a woman can seek several treatments to get comfort. Some even buy menopause drugs for a faster process. In case the symptoms are affecting her life, she can buy generic menopause tablets online too. Women should choose the type of therapy depending on their symptoms and personal preferences. Their medical conditions should also be kept in mind.
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